Durable Medical Equipment (DME)

At Ziks Family Pharmacy & Home Medical Equipment, we are truly your one-stop shop! With a full Home Medical Equipment/Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Department, our DME Team will work with you and your doctor to fill medical equipment and supply prescriptions or OTC/over-the-counter medical supplies. Many patients come to ZIKS after driving all over looking for medical supplies.
Bath Safety

Back Shower Gurney

Heavy-Duty Bathtub Rail

Shower Transfer Bench

Sturdy Grab Bars

Bathroom Bench

Medical Folding Steel Commode

Transfer Bench (Bathtub)

Bath Seat Riser


Support Crutches

Lift Chairs

Automated Elevation Wheelchairs

Wheelchair (Pediatric)

Walking Stick (Canes)

Wheelchair Support

Transport Chairs / Benches

Adjustable Recliners

Wheelchair (Geriatric)

Motorized Scooters

Quad Sticks

Walking Aids

Diabetic Care

Glucose Monitoring Systems

Injectable Insulin

Diabetes Test Strips


Diabetic Prescription Medication Refills

Diabetes Control Solutions


Accessories for Insulin Pump


Prescribed Diabetes Medications